Why Is Snoring More Common in Men Than Women?



Snoring is a common sleep-related issue that affects millions of people worldwide. However, it’s often noticed that men tend to snore more frequently than women. This discrepancy in snoring prevalence has sparked curiosity and led researchers to explore the underlying reasons.

In this blog, we will delve into the various factors contributing to why snoring is more common in men than women. We’ll explore the physiological, lifestyle, and societal aspects influencing this phenomenon.

1. Anatomy and Physiology

One of the primary reasons behind the higher prevalence of snoring in men can be attributed to differences in Anatomy and Physiology. Men typically have larger necks and narrower airways than women. This structural variation can lead to an increased likelihood of snoring. The extra bulk around the neck can contribute to airway obstruction, as the excess tissue may vibrate more during sleep, resulting in snoring sounds.

Moreover, men generally possess a more significant amount of muscle mass in their upper airway, which can lead to heightened muscle relaxation during sleep. This relaxation can obstruct the airflow and contribute to snoring.

2. Snoring in Hormonal Differences

Gender hormonal differences between men and women significantly influence snoring. Hormones like estrogen have been found to have protective effects on upper airway muscles. Women typically have higher levels of estrogen, which can help maintain muscle tone in the throat.It reducing the likelihood of snoring in women.

On the contrary, men have lower levels of estrogen and higher levels of testosterone, which can lead to increased muscle relaxation. This relaxation may contribute to snoring.

3. Lifestyle Choices

Men are more prone to take part in activities that make snoring worse. Lifestyle choices such as alcohol consumption and tobacco use can increase the risk of snoring. Alcohol has a muscle-relaxing effect on the throat muscles, increasing snoring. Similarly, smoking can irritate and inflame the airway, making snoring more likely.

4. Sleep Apnea

Frequent breathing pauses characterize a sleep disease called obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) while you’re asleep. OSA is a significant contributor to snoring and tends to be more prevalent in men than women. In OSA, the airway collapses intermittently during sleep, causing loud snoring when airflow is restricted.

5. Genetics

Genetics can also play a role in snoring. If snoring is prevalent in your family, you may have a genetic predisposition to snoring, regardless of gender.

6. Age factor for snoring

Another factor contributing to snoring is age, which affects both men and women. As people age, the muscles in the throat tend to lose some of their tone, making them more likely to collapse during sleep, leading to snoring.

7. Sleep Position

Sleep position can significantly impact snoring. The tongue and soft palate may slide back into the throat while you sleep on your back, obstructing airflow and leading to snoring. Men are more likely to sleep on their backs compared to women.

8. Allergies and Sinus Issues

Men are also more prone to allergies and sinus issues, leading to nasal congestion and increased snoring. Allergies can enlarge and inflame the nasal passages, making breathing difficult through the nose, forcing people to breathe through their mouths, and, as a result, causing them to snore. 

9. Stress and Anxiety

Stress and anxiety can contribute to muscle tension and poor sleep quality, making snoring more likely. Men often experience stress from work and other factors, which can exacerbate snoring.

10. Impact on Health of Snoring

The relationship between snoring and overall health is noteworthy. Poor sleep quality and chronic snoring can lead to various health issues, including cardiovascular problems, obesity, and diabetes. Men may be more prone to these health concerns due to the higher prevalence of snoring.


Snoring is a common sleep-related issue that affects both men and women, but men tend to experience it more frequently. Understanding the reasons behind this gender discrepancy in snoring prevalence involves considering anatomy, hormones, lifestyle choices, genetics, age, sleep position, allergies, and stress. While some factors are beyond our control, various lifestyle modifications and interventions can help reduce or eliminate snoring in both men and women.

Addressing snoring is essential not only for improved sleep quality but also for overall health and well-being. If snoring persists or is continued by other symptoms, seeking professional guidance is crucial for a comprehensive assessment and appropriate treatment. Regardless of gender, everyone deserves restful and peaceful nights of sleep.

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